Easy & Fun Handprint Crab Craft For Kids

Kids love the ocean! It’s a vast and mysterious place full of creatures that are both strange and wonderful. It’s no wonder that they’re drawn to it.

This handprint crab craft is perfect for kids of all ages. It’s easy to do and doesn’t require a lot of supplies..


– Red card stock – White card stock – Large googly eyes (we used 1″ eyes) – Black marker – Scissors – Pencil – Glue stick – 2″ circle punch

Trace your child’s hand on the red card stock two times. Cut out each handprint.

Cut out two 2″ circles with the scissors or circle punch. Cut out a small triangle shape from the circle to create the crab claws.

Begin to assemble the crab by positioning the two handprints with thumbs pointed up and fingers pointed outward.

Glue the crab’s smile in the center of the two handprints.

Swipe up for full tutorial!