How To Make Fourth Of July  Slime For Kids

Lined Circle

Summer is basically here and we’re anxiously awaiting the next big holiday!

We love a good excuse to make some themed crafts or activities and Independence day is perfect for celebrating.

Lined Circle


– clear Elmer's glue – glitter acrylic paint – water – baking soda – contact solution – glitter (each; red and blue)


– Mixing bowl – Fork – Spatula – Measuring cups – Measuring spoons


1. Pour the clear glue into your mixing bowl.

2. Add the red paint, water, baking soda, red glitter and 3 tablespoons of contact solution to the bowl. Mix well.

Terrain Map

3. Once the mixture begins to stick to itself, use your hands to knead and stretch the slime.

Hi, I'm Sam and I'm so happy you're here!  Find tons of fun and easy kids crafts, printables, and activities for children ages 3-10.