Tacky The Penguin Craft For Kids [Free Template]

This winter, when you’re staying warm and cozy indoors, cuddle up with a good book with the kiddos.

Tacky the Penguin is about being true to yourself and embracing what makes you unique. If your kids also love him, they’ll have a blast with this Tacky the Penguin craft!


– Colored cardstock or construction paper – Scissors – Glue – Markers or crayons – Penguin template

Start by downloading the template and printing it out. Once the template is printed, gather the materials for this fun activity.

First, guide your child to create the penguin by coloring in his printed shirt.

Next, glue the bowtie to the top and middle of his shirt. Set aside for later.

Make Tacky’s face by gluing his eyes in the middle of the head, just a bit below the top of his head.

Swipe up for full tutorial!