A Winter Themed Puffy Paint Snowglobe Craft For Kids

Get the kids out of the cold and inside making this awesome winter themed puffy paint snowglobe craft.


– Snowglobe template  – Colored cardstock (in light    blue, green, brown and    multicolor) – Elmer's Glue – Shaving cream – Paintbrush


– Scissors


1. Make the homemade puffy paint by mixing equal parts shaving cream and Elmer's glue in a bowl.

Lined Circle

2. Glue the narwhal's fin on the right side of the body, slightly below the mouth.

Terrain Map

3. Use a small hole punch to make ornaments to use on the tree.

4. Glue the large blue circle behind the brown base to make the snowglobe.

5. Place the green triangles one on top of each other to make the tree. Add the star to the top. Glue in place.

Lined Circle

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