Crab Worksheets For Kids


Summertime is a great opportunity for kids to relax and enjoy themselves, but that doesn’t mean learning has to stop!

These crab worksheets are a great way for kids to have fun and learn new things at the same time.

From handwriting practice to scissor skills, these printables are great for young kids of all ages.

Lined Circle

We’ve included the following printables:

– Label a crab worksheet – C is for crab letter maze – C is for crab handwriting page

Label A Crab Worksheet

All they need to do is cut out each of the labels and then glue them in the correct spot on the crab.

Terrain Map

This C is for crab handwriting page is a great way for kids to practice writing both uppercase and lowercase letters.

C Is For Crab Handwriting Page

Can you find your way through this crab letter maze? The goal is to find all of the letter C’s so that you can get from the start to the finish.

C Is For Crab  Letter Maze

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