Today I’m excited to add a new area of focus to my free printables collecting: LDS printables.
Yes, I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And I recently decided that I wanted to publish some handouts and gift ideas periodically so I can share them with you! If you’re not familiar, in the LDS church, the adult women are paired up with another woman and assigned to visit other ladies in the church. We go out monthly to visit with, get to know, and serve a few ladies in the church.
We call this Visiting Teaching.
It’s a great way to build friendships and get to know women in the ward that you might not have otherwise been drawn to. Each month there’s a short message that we teach from and then the remainder of time is usually spent chatting away.
This month’s message was centered around how we are created in the image of God. There was a quote in the message that I loved by Thomas S. Monson. I decided to spotlight the latter end of the quote and came up with this handout:
It’s sized as a 5″x7″. You can simply print it off, cut it out and bring it with you when you go, or if you’re unable to actually meet up with those ladies you visit teach, it’s also perfect for mailing! And if you want to get extra fancy, I think it would be adorable to tie to a pretty mirror to remind them of how we are made in His image.
Since it’s already half way through the month, this handout is dedicated to all the procrastinators. I swear I don’t know anything about that 😉
>>Click here to download the March 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout<<

Sam is the crafter and founder of Simple Everyday Mom. She has been featured in Oprah Mag, Good Housekeeping, The Spruce Crafts, Country Living, The Bump and more. Read more.