Inside: Entertain your kids on Halloween with this fun Halloween bingo printable. These are part of the ultimate printable activities for kids collection.
You always felt bad for that one girl in class. The one who was awkward, who had uncontrollably frizzy hair, oversized round glasses and was so shy that she was painful to watch.
I was that girl.
And evidently, that wasn’t enough. My parents had to make me even weirder because they wouldn’t let me celebrate Halloween like every other normal school-aged kid.
Nope. Instead of celebrating at the class party and tromping around at the Halloween parade my parents made me stay home.
Strike three for the weirdest girl in elementary school.
At least now I’m not as weird. I had laser eye surgery, learned about the genius invention called the flat iron, and I’m somewhat able to talk to people (although I still avoid it at all costs; thank you text messaging).
Not exactly a Cinderella style ending, but hey, I’ll take it.
And guess what?
Now I’m a mom myself so I’m in charge. Which means my family goes all out for Halloween. Halloween costumes, parties, parades and anything else we can think up to celebrate and have fun!
It’s my way of trying to make myself feel cooler than I am.
I don’t have a Halloween costume planned yet, but I did create these kid-friendly Halloween bingo cards to celebrate and I’m sharing them with you. All you need to do is gather some candy corn markers, print out the bingo cards and put on some spooky music to set the mood!
Spooky Fun Halloween Bingo Cards
>>Click here to download the Halloween Bingo cards<<
One more thing.
Before you go out trick or treating this year with your kids, take a second to think of the sad, frizzy haired girl who didn’t celebrate Halloween. And if your kids start complaining about how small their candy supply is, remind them of me 🙂
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Sam is the crafter and founder of Simple Everyday Mom. She has been featured in Oprah Mag, Good Housekeeping, The Spruce Crafts, Country Living, The Bump and more. Read more.
Debi Everson
Thursday 19th of November 2020
Thanks for sharing your amazing creativity and energy. You have turned into the coolest Mom! And the most generous, for sharing with us and reminding us how lucky we all are.
Sam T
Friday 20th of November 2020
Lol, thanks Debi!