Inside: Download this inspirational free printable perfect for the classroom!
When I think back on my childhood I realize there are two primary influences in my life:
My parents and my teachers.
My mom and dad are awesome; they’ve always cheered me on no matter what I’ve chosen and they made me feel like I could do whatever I wanted. Of course having such great support was amazing, but I sometimes doubted them, since they were in fact my parents. I mean, parents are required to cheer their kids on, right?
But my teachers were different. They weren’t related to me. They didn’t have to tell me that they believed in me. They didn’t have to propel me forward on my path.
And yet they did.
Over and over again I had teacher after teacher give encouraging words that have lasted in my memories all these years later.
I am so grateful to them. I honestly don’t think many of my teachers realize how much they have changed my life with the way they speak to and with me.
But they did change my life; they change countless student’s lives. And in honor of all those special teachers who have lead me down the path of success I dedicate this post them.
And I believe Nelson Mandela said it best in this quote:
Free Printable Classroom Quote
So thank you to all of the dedicated, hard working and life changing teachers out there! You are seriously the best and you help change the future one child at a time.
I hope this free printable classroom quote will help remind all teachers just how important the work they do is.
Click here to download this Nelson Mandela printable quote as an 8″x10″ (without the watermark).
More Ideas For The Classroom:

Sam is the crafter and founder of Simple Everyday Mom. She has been featured in Oprah Mag, Good Housekeeping, The Spruce Crafts, Country Living, The Bump and more. Read more.
Sunday 24th of November 2019
interesting activities
Sam T
Tuesday 26th of November 2019
Thanks :)
Gina Baggs
Friday 14th of April 2017
Hi! I am trying to download the Nelson Mandela education quote but I get "this site can not be reached" message. :( Please help! I would love to hang this in our office!
Thank you! Gina
Sam T
Saturday 15th of April 2017
Hi Gina! Sorry, it's not working for you. Everything seems to be fine, but technology can be so fickle sometimes. I've emailed the file directly to you :)
Crystal Frost
Friday 30th of September 2016
Hi!! I found your article through Pinterest. I'm the social media coordinator for a student organization in San Antonio, Texas called "C.A.R.E." (Children Are Reason Enough). We're working on the designs for this year's t-shirts and I wanted to ask your permission to use your free printable of the Nelson Mandela quote on the backs of our shirts.
Sam T
Friday 30th of September 2016
Hi Crystal! Sure, as long as it's for non-commercial use, that would be fine. Thanks for asking.
Thursday 25th of August 2016
Thanks for sharing! Printed two copies of the Nelson Mandela quote; one for my classroom and one for a little vignette at home. Great message and adorable too!
Sam T
Friday 26th of August 2016
You're welcome :) I'm so glad you like them and can use them!